What Causes a Herniated Disc?
Our spine bears the weight of all of our daily activities, from how frequently we move to how much weight we lift at one time. With so much pressure put...
Read MoreBulging Disc vs Herniated Disc
The terms bulging and herniated disc are often used interchangeably; however, many do not realize there are actually distinct differences between the two. While both impact the lumbar discs in...
Read MoreWhat is an Orthopedic Emergency?
When you’ve been injured — whether from a contact sport or auto accident — there are hundreds of questions flooding your mind. Can you move? How injured do you feel?...
Read MoreShoulder Separation vs Dislocation
From swinging the bat at a baseball game to picking up your grandchild, your shoulders take on a lot of responsibility. That’s why when they’re injured, you notice immediately. Minor...
Read MoreAcute Neck Pain
Having any kind of pain is always a drag. In addition to feeling discomfort, it can also be disruptive to many aspects of your life — whether when doing activities...
Read MoreKnee Facts
Your knees make most of your daily activities possible. If you’re an able-bodied person, you use them to get out of bed, walk to the sink to brush your teeth,...
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